Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Driving Naked

I’m driving in my car, bare ass naked.

I’m not going to get into details, so let’s just say that the situation called for a quick exit and my clothes were not at hand.

So now the imitation leather interiors are sticking to my butt and everytime I move I feel my skin burn. The pedals are also hot and burn my feet, I’m sweating like a pig and the A/C is broke. To make things worse, something in the sit really itches, what forces me to move, making the sticky sit rip off my ass’ hairs (damn, that hurts!).

As if that wasn’t enough, now a police car is starting to signal me to pull over.

I’d swear that the light was still yellow!!!

Or maybe it wasn’t?

I can’t even think between the itching, the burning and the hairpulling!

I can’t stop! I won’t! Come on! I’m naked!

No. I’m not stopping. How would I ever explain this?

I’m not going to stop. Period.

So, now I’m driving naked in my car in the middle of a high speed chase, with the cops tailing me and news helicopters flying all over the freeway.

This just keeps getting better! $h¡t!!!

What now? A flat tire? This is definitely not my day! At least I didn’t spin or tip over, but now I really have to face the cop.

The pig just asked me to get out “with my hands where he can see them” Is he nuts? He already saw I was completely naked! Doesn’t he have a heart?

Come on, officer! Don’t make me come out naked on national TV!!! How am I going to explain this to my wife?

Can anyone please stop looking at me with those stupid grins and lend me something to cover???

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