Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Skinned Children

The smell of rain. The sound of the water running down to the river. The smell of fresh grass getting wet. It is all so beautiful it almost makes me forget about the scream of the children being skinned alive.

I feel... sick... for taking part on it.

But it has to be done.

There was a time when I thought this kind of thing to be unethical, that whole "killing a few innocents for the greater good". But now, knowing what I know, that that creature is among them, and knowing how it would prey on so many people, like the last one did, I know they have to die.

Weird. With all the technology we have, we still can’t find out which one is completely human, and which one isn’t until we skin them alive. At least we were able to narrow it down to ten. Ten children we have to slaughter to find the dreadful one.

The screams were so loud I had to come out to relax. The rain. The rain usually relaxes me, and it almost did for a minute, just a moment ago, but seeing my hands covered in blood reminded me again of what we are doing here. I just hope we find “It”… that… that demon-like creature that hides inside one of them before is too late… Maybe… maybe even before we have to finish the remaining kids. Oh! God, let this be the one.

Although I have no remorse, I almost feel dirty for doing this, but after seeing what the last one did after waking… all the suffering it caused... the meaningless deaths…

Yes. It has to be done. It's for the better. I have to grab that knife again…

And hear the screaming children while we skin them.

Will the sound of rain ever calm me down again?

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